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The ATC?

The Anti-Tech Collective (ATC) is a collaborative networking and publishing project comprised of a handful of independent thinkers all taking a critical stance against at least modern industrial technology (i.e. the technologies developed during and since the 'first industrial revolution' which is commonly characterized by mass exploitation of fossil fuels) and who advocate for the legal dismantlement of the Global Technological System in order to restore Wild Nature and end significant human suffering.



In order to hasten the demise of the Technological system and help establish an anti-tech movement, ATC seeks to:
(1) foster awareness of the Technological problem through free, open, and legal access to technological criticism and revolutionary theorizing and;
(2) introduce those who seek emancipation from the Technological system to one another by having digital networking presence and platform.


To these ends, ATC and its active members currently maintain a database of anti-tech literature, moderate an online forum, produce and disseminate free publications, field questions from individuals and other groups, and introduce people and groups with similar interests to one another.

Core Beliefs

1. The highest priority is the restoration of Wild Nature, which includes the restoration of humanity’s freedom and dignity within it.


2. Technology necessarily progresses at the expense of Wild Nature.


3. Technology is not “neutral” in any meaningful sense of the word. Technology carries its own values and imperatives that are outside of human control.


4. The Technological system cannot be reformed so as to avoid catastrophe. Revolution against the Technological system is the only viable method of restoring Wild Nature.

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