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Agameya: On The Paradox of Choice


In this day and age choices are abundant in a myriad of facets ranging from academia, to food, to entertainment, and the like. We seem to have the autonomy to choose what we indeed want from a given set, catering that thing to our very linking. But why does it feel like the more choices we have, the more ambivalent we become? It is almost like the opposite effect is indeed coming to fruition where when one is, if I dare say, plagued with more options one feels like they have immediately embarked on the wrong choice due to the seemingly high opportunity cost attached to the various other ones. 

As Kierkegaard famously proclaims ‘Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom’, which in truth holds a deeper meaning than what's deduced from the surface. When one is free to commit to a given choice among a set of other attractive choices, one bears the deep consequence of that choice not reaping the perceived benefits it was supposed to possess. Thus, there comes a point where a myriad of choices become a liability more so than an asset where if presented with fewer choices, one's mind would be content in knowing there wasn't other more feasible and marginally beneficial options awaiting. 

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